Sports Marketing - Jobs Rubric

Sports Marketing                                                            Team Name_________________

Job Description Project Rubric                                    Team Members______________


You will be graded according to the following rubric.









Elements: Name; Name of team, league, or corporation; Job title; Job department; Who job reports to; Description; Responsibilities; Skills; Education.

All 9 elements are included.

1 element is missing.

2 elements are missing.

3 elements are missing.

4 or more elements are missing.

Appearance:  How is the job description written?

Job description is typed neatly, has no spelling / grammatical errors, and is formatted well.

Job description is typed neatly, but has spelling/ grammatical errors, OR is not formatted well.

Job description is typed neatly, but has spelling/ grammatical errors AND is not formatted well.

Job description is not typed but does not have spelling/ grammatical errors, and is formatted well.

Job description is not typed, has spelling/ grammatical errors, and is not formatted well.

Job responsibilities:  Are 4 responsibilities listed and are they relevant?

All 4 responsibilities are listed and relevant.

One responsibility is missing or one responsibility is irrelevant.

Two or more responsibilities are missing or irrelevant.

Three or more responsibilities are missing or irrelevant.

Four or more responsibilities are missing or irrelevant.

Skills Required: Are 4 skills listed and are they relevant to the job.

All 4 skills are listed and relevant.

One skill is missing or one skill is irrelevant.

Two or more skills are missing or irrelevant

Three or more skills are missing or irrelevant.

Four or more skills are missing or irrelevant.

Presentation:  Were all group members present and knowledgeable?

All group members were present and knowledgeable about the project.

One group member was missing or one group member was not knowledgeable about the project.

Two group members were missing or two were not knowledgeable about the project.

All group members were unknowledgeable about the project.

Group failed to present.


Extra Credit: _______________________

Team Score: _________________________